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The Planning Board is an advisory board comprised of five (5) members. All five (5) members shall be citizens and residents of the Town of Navassa and shall be appointed by the Town Council. The Town Council shall appoint one (1) Planning Board member from each of the three respective districts of the town and two (2) Planning Board members from the community at-large.


Marvin Ballard
Conswalia Green
Marcel Hatten
Rosetta Terry
(1) Vacancy - Community At-Large


The Planning Board reviews all development proposals for rezoning and other development related requests. The Planning Board reviews and makes recommendations for revisions and additions to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The Town Council relies on the Planning Board for guidance; the Planning Board has no judicial authority. There are term limits for board members.


The Planning Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm. The meetings are held at 338 Main Street.